In a recent episode of the “Play the Game” podcast, hosted by Marcello Margott and Tyler Harmon, they welcomed a special guest: Tom Cole, the commissioner of the NXL. Tom shared some exciting updates and potential changes for the upcoming 2025 season. Here are the main takeaways:

Event Locations for 2025

  • No Las Vegas: The traditional Las Vegas event might not happen in 2025. There are ongoing issues, possibly related to property availability or costs.
  • Alternative Locations: The NXL is considering other venues, including Riverside, California, and Phoenix, Arizona. Both have hosted major paintball events in the past.
  • Texas Event: The fourth event of the season is slated for Texas. However, this could still change as the planning progresses.

New ESPN Coverage

  • ESPN Show: A new ESPN show covering the NXL will debut August 2nd 10PM PST. Tom mentioned that the initial feedback has been very positive, and if the first episode performs well, more NXL content could be featured on ESPN.

Format Changes

  • Quarter System: One of the most intriguing potential changes is the introduction of a quarter system. Currently, games can end with minimal action if teams run out the clock. The proposed change would split games into four quarters, each starting with a breakout. This aims to increase the number of points played and enhance the game’s excitement.

Innovative Scoring Ideas

  • Two-Point Conversion Button: Marcello thought of a novel idea where teams could press a button at the start gate to signal a two-point attempt. If the team scores within 30 seconds, they earn two points. If they fail, they lose two points. This could only be used once or twice per game.

Challenge System for Referees

  • Challenge Flags: The introduction of a challenge flag system was discussed, allowing teams to challenge referee decisions. Each team could get one challenge per game, with the possibility of earning an additional challenge if the first is successful.


The 2025 NXL season promises to bring fresh locations, innovative gameplay formats, and enhanced media coverage. These updates aim to elevate the sport, making it more thrilling and enjoyable for everyone involved. Keep an eye out for more details as the season approaches!

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Yo! My name is Brad Johnson, I'm the author/creator/owner/janitor of Paintball Ruined My Life. I worked in the paintball industry for over 16 years, before starting this website and my YouTube channel.