Gear Bags

Gear bags are normally larger bags that are designed to hold most of your paintball equipment. Most of them have carry handles and wheels like luggage, but some opt for a larger backpack style with backpack straps. Some of the best bag companies are HK Army, Planet Eclipse, Carbon Paintball and Infamous.

Paintball Marker Bag

Marker or gun paintball bags are smaller paintball gun sized bags or cases that are designed to hold one or two markers and a few small accessories. Most marker bags have a few small pouches for things like grease, o-rings or allen wrenches and most have some dedicated sleeves for barrels.

Paintball Mask Cases

Paintball masks can be delicate and keeping your mask in good condition is the key to making it last and will help it performing longer. Most of the paintball masks bags and cases are microfiber lined making sure to keep you lenses scratch free. Many of the cases like the HK Army and Exalt are also reenforced to prevent the mask for getting crushed.

Tank Cases

A tank case is a great accessory for keeping you gear super organized. All tank cases are crush resistant, zippered and contour to fit most compressed air tanks.


Yo! My name is Brad Johnson, I'm the author/creator/owner/janitor of Paintball Ruined My Life. I worked in the paintball industry for over 16 years, before starting this website and my YouTube channel.