wcppl-logo-paintballIf you are not from the West Coast it is possible that you haven’t heard of the WCPPL (West Coast Paintball Players League).  The WCPPL is beloved by everyone that has played one of it’s events, they are well run, cheap entry and prizes are always solid. About 2 months ago the NXL approached the WCPPL to be there sole affiliate on the West Coast, the WCPPL declined the offer. Thus earlier this week the PCPL was announced/created by part owner of the NXL Dave Bains to directly compete with the WCPPL.

The WCPPL had this to say.

Exalt Paintball Carbon Series Tank Case...
  • Compatible with 45, 48, 50, 56, 68, 70, 72 and 77ci Bottles
  • Rigid, molded exterior prevents tank and regulator from dings and scratches while inside your gearbag or at the field during handling.
  • Water resistant carbon-fiber patterned exterior protects contents from elements

I’d like to take a second to address the elephant in the room. Obviously the NXL has chosen to build a new regional league to compete against the WCPPL. I would like to wish them luck in their new venture.

Here is the truth on why the WCPPL didn’t choose to be NXL affiliated. In November Tom Cole came to our Vegas event and offered us this deal. Thy wanted us to be their West Coast affiliate! This seemed like a great deal but the devil was in the details. First off they wanted us to use their ID system that they are developing. No more Appa. Second they wanted a large cut of the ID card money. These were tough pills to swallow but the best was yet to come. They wanted to do what the PCPL or whatever they are calling their league is doing. Force all teams to a national event in Vegas. Then we could run two regular events. And the finale that has to be done in September we would co produce and split any profits. Why would we do this I thought? It’s not like the NXL backing will double our team counts. So now I’m being offered to give up half of what I’ve built for 7 years? And in return get???? Nothing.

The WCPPL has always been the first regional league to give more back to their players than even the NXL on a national level. And we will continue to do so! I hope that teams graduate from playing locally and regionally and then go national. It’s easier said than done but I don’t blame anyone for trying! I too chased the dream. But when those teams get tired of spending their life’s saving to compete on a national level, the WCPPL will still be here and we will still be having fun. Remember that our door will always be open when the grass isn’t greener.

The WCPPL has shed some light on the inner workings of the NXL and the WPBO and we thank them for that. At the re-birth of the NXL, it was supposedly created because the PSP was not listening to its players. As the NXL and the WPBO move us forward toward their vision of completive paintball, it is looking more and more like a takeover of competitive paintball rather than creating something for the players.


Yo! My name is Brad Johnson, I'm the author/creator/owner/janitor of Paintball Ruined My Life. I worked in the paintball industry for over 16 years, before starting this website and my YouTube channel.