1. Brian Welch – How much has paintball changed since you started playing?
I started playing in the fall of 2001. So about 16 years ago…..old. I thought about this for awhile, and we can break it into two categories. Paintball gear and how the game/players have changed. How much have paintball gear changed and how much has the game and its players changed.
2. Cameron Hards – what’s the advantages and disadvantages of 1v1s on a supair field?
Like everything, there are pros and cons. You can improve your snap shot, running and shooting, but at the same time pick up some not so desirable tendencies.
3. Chris_10 – Hey brad, I’m thinking about switching over to pump. What paintballs should I use?
With pump paintball markers, you need to make the one shot count. So you would probably always be better off with grading some high-end paintballs.
The best paintball movie of all time…..PUSH – https://goo.gl/xvhwFt