▪ Owen Turner – I just listed to the Playing On Podcast with Bart Yachimec, like you recommend. They talked about going back or maybe adding 7-man, what do you think?

Nothing that Bart and Carl talked about really lead me to think the league was switching to 7-man, I think it was just Carl thinking back to the good ol’ days and Bart saying nothing is off the table, like we will look at everything.

▪ Austin Maddox – Do you guys think the 5.5 bps cap on electros at mech events is too slow? Too fast? They shouldn’t be allowed at all? I want to hear opinions.

The whole point of these mech events though, is to try and make the game like it used to be. Bigger fields and slower guns, hence mech. Allowing guns that shoot 20 bps, would defeat the purpose.

▪ Josh Liska – Do you ever think there will be coed paintball teams? Me and my fiance love the sport and would like to play tournaments together.

There are not really any coed specific leagues or tournaments, just because it would be pretty hard to field teams, the women’s world cup only happens every few years.


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Empire Ultra 80/4500 ➡ http://amzn.to/2ni6Cto
Virtue Spire III ➡ http://amzn.to/2AyCV2N
Vforce Profiler ➡ http://amzn.to/2qOJGUL
Bunker Kings Supreme Harness ➡ http://amzn.to/2qN4H2U

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Yo! My name is Brad Johnson, I'm the author/creator/owner/janitor of Paintball Ruined My Life. I worked in the paintball industry for over 16 years, before starting this website and my YouTube channel.