◾ Push Unite Extenders – John over an PBNation posted some photos to the new extension for the Push Unite mask.
◾ Social Paintball SMPL Elbow Pads – They look pretty neat, Instead of going with a thick EVA foam like all the other pads out there, Social went with something much more minimal on the SMPL elbow pads. They are $29.95 right now at https://www.socialpaintball.com
- Compatible with 45, 48, 50, 56, 68, 70, 72 and 77ci Bottles
- Rigid, molded exterior prevents tank and regulator from dings and scratches while inside your gearbag or at the field during handling.
- Water resistant carbon-fiber patterned exterior protects contents from elements
◾ Emek and Etha 2 Bodies – Grab a custom body for the Emek or Etha 2.
◾ NXL Chicago Open 2018 Winners – In the pro division Moscow Red Legion ended up taking home the win or the Los Angeles Ironmen. The Los Angels Ironmen last win was in 2009 at the Mid-Atlantic Open. San Diego Aftermath took home there 3rd, 1st place finish of the year in the semi-pro division.
◾ Merch – http://paintballruinedmylife.com/shop
Used Paintball Gear ➡ https://www.ovrpb.com
➖ My Paintball Gear ➖
Planet Eclipse CS2 ➡ https://amzn.to/2ud2AYI
Ninja SL2 77/4500 ➡ https://amzn.to/2rUBSUb
Virtue Spire III ➡ http://amzn.to/2AyCV2N
Vforce Profiler ➡ http://amzn.to/2qOJGUL
Bunker Kings Supreme Harness ➡ http://amzn.to/2qN4H2U
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More Paintball Gear I Like ➡ https://www.amazon.com/shop/paintballruinedmylife
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