The Dye Rize CZR is an update to the popular Dye/Proto Rize and the Dye/Proto Rize Maxxed.

The Rize CZR is a kind of fusion of the Rize and the Rize Maxxed. The Maxxed was always the more expensive, feature-rich version of the two. Now with the CZR there is a bit of a blend, the CZR will feature: two-price Dye Core barrel, UL Airport on/off, reinforced nylon feedneck, longer ergonomics, and the updated RAMP solenoid.

At $299.95 the CZR should compete with the Empire Mini GS and the Planet Eclipse Etha 2.

Check out my review of the Dye Rize CZR.


Yo! My name is Brad Johnson, I'm the author/creator/owner/janitor of Paintball Ruined My Life. I worked in the paintball industry for over 16 years, before starting this website and my YouTube channel.