The Dye Rize CZR is an update to the popular Dye/Proto Rize and the Dye/Proto Rize Maxxed.
The Rize CZR is a kind of fusion of the Rize and the Rize Maxxed. The Maxxed was always the more expensive, feature-rich version of the two. Now with the CZR there is a bit of a blend, the CZR will feature: two-price Dye Core barrel, UL Airport on/off, reinforced nylon feedneck, longer ergonomics, and the updated RAMP solenoid.
- Wont unravel and easy to wash
- Disk seal retracts during insertion to prevent paint going up your barrel
- Built to last, this beast of swab is forged out of tough and flexible plastic
- 100% interchangeable and 100% replaceable
At $299.95 the CZR should compete with the Empire Mini GS and the Planet Eclipse Etha 2.
Check out my review of the Dye Rize CZR.